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Essential and Affordable Security Steps for Residential Properties

Snellville LocksmithIt goes without saying that your home can never be too secure. Of course, not everyone can afford iron security fences, paid security services, and top of the line surveillance systems. That does not, however, mean that you should not constantly be looking for more affordable ways to improve your home security. This is exactly what I will talk about in this article. I will discuss some fairly inexpensive ways to make your home much safer and more secure. A few of them will not even cost you anything but a little extra effort.

Here are some affordable security measures that you can take to improve the safety and security around your home. 

Improve Exterior Lighting

One of the best ways to deter would-be thieves from trying to enter your home is to light it up like a Christmas at night. Thieves often strike at night because they know they have less chance of getting caught because they can’t be seen as easily. Adding more exterior lighting to your home’s exterior will take away this advantage from a would-be thief. Make sure the entire perimeter of your home is covered by lights. If you are concerned about your electric bill you can use motion sensing lights to accomplish this.

Add Alarms 

If you don’t have an alarm system on your house, by all means, you should get one. Just the mere presence of an alarm system can deter someone from even trying to enter your home illegally. With all of the competition between alarm companies’ prices have never been lower than they are now. Most companies offer low-cost subscription plans for their monitoring services. These alarms will many times protect you against fire and include a panic button too in case you need emergency assistance.

Install Surveillance Systems

A large majority of homeowners do not have home surveillance systems set up. This really hurts the security of your home. Surveillance systems make excellent visible deterrents for would-be thieves because they know it increases their chances of getting caught. They also will allow you to check possible threats outside of your home without having to open your door and go outside to do it. These systems can be purchased at a very reasonable price and go together simple enough that even a homeowner can easily set them up.

Upgrade Locks

One of the simplest and least expensive ways to improve home security is to upgrade your locks. There is some type of original locks like window locks and door locks that give you a false sense of security. Home locksmith service providers such as Pro Mobile Locksmith, LLC out of Snellville, Georgia are excellent when it comes to upgrading window and door locks. These locksmith services will install ‘bump-proof locks on your entryway doors and add high-security window locks too. The cost of these services will prove to be very minimal when it comes to all-important home security.

Add Extra Locks

There is no such thing as having too many locks protecting your house. This is especially true on access points such as windows, patio doors, entryway doors, and garage doors. Many times, such things as deadbolt locks can be the perfect partner for your keyed locks on your entryway doors. You can inexpensively add extra latches on your windows and also insert wooden or metal bars on your patio doors to prevent them from being able to slide open even if their locks are picked. Without a doubt, an extra lock here and there will go a long way toward increasing the security of your home.

Practice Proper Key Security 

Resist the temptation to hide keys in plants, under mats and other places around your house. Thieves are well aware of the places that homeowners like to find keys. You are only making their job easier by hiding keys around the house. It’s better to leave a key with your neighbor or add keyless locks to your entryway doors.

Keep Shrubs and Trees Trimmed So They Don’t Block Windows

If you look out your window and all you see is trees and shrubs, then it’s time to get out a trimmer. Thieves look for windows that are blocked so they can get close to a home without being spotted and they can hide by behind them too. 

Form a Neighborhood Watch Group

Get together with your neighbors and from a neighborhood watch. This is a very effective means of increasing everyone in your neighborhood’s home security. As part of this make sure when someone is on watch they take note of slow-moving cars or cars where people are sitting in them stopped for a long period of time. These days’ thieves will canvas a neighborhood first to check it out and see which homes have valuable property they can take. Call the police if you see this type of activity taking place with vehicles you don’t recognize as being from your neighborhood.

Get a Dog

Man’s best friend can do much more than fetch the newspapers and chase balls. They also make excellent watchdogs in most cases. A dog tends to be very protective of its owners and their turf. With their keen hearing, they can sense would-be intruders before they even get close to the exterior of your home. Often times their nervous prancing or their barking will alert you to the fact that there may be a security issue around your house.

Teach Yourself and Your Family to Practice Good Security Routines

The absolute best way to protect your home and keep it secure is to practice good security. Try and get into a routine where you make sure all of your doors are locked before you go to bed and the garage door has been closed. Also, double check that your alarm and surveillance systems are working too. Get your family to participate in this too so you are all on the same page as far as your residential security is concerned. The importance of this cannot be emphasized enough when it comes to your home security.

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