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Signs Around Your Residence That Indicate Your Home Security Needs Improvement

Snellville LocksmithThere is one thing that you never want to compromise on and that’s your home security. It’s absolutely essential that your residential security measures provide you with optimal safety and security at all times. That way you know that you, your family, and your valuables are as safe as they can possibly be. Locks do not work well forever and other things can happen around your home that make you take a closer look at your home security level. These are some signs that your home’s security may not be at the level that is should be.

Area Homes Have Been Broken into Recently

Most homes in a neighborhood were built right around the same time. That often means that these homes also have some of the same security measures in them. Therefore, a recent string of successful burglaries in your neighborhood could be a cause for concern that your home security measures will not protect you from thieves as well as you thought. This is a good time to stop and take a look at the security measures you have working for you around your home and see if they can be improved. Calling in a locksmith or security professional to get their opinion on your home security is never a bad idea either.

Your Yard Is Poorly Lit Up at Night

Thieves will do everything possible to minimize the chances that they will be caught and spend time in jail. Part of this is making sure they have the best chance of not being seen when they are breaking into any home. This is the reason why so many home thefts take place at night. Well, this does not have to be the case around your home. You can deter thieves by making sure your home's perimeter is well lit up at night. If it’s not, the sooner you take steps to correct this the better.

Some Locks Appear to Be Worn, Damaged or Corroded

Do you have some locks around your home that look worn out or corroded? Maybe your locks turn hard when you place a key in them. These are all signs that some locks around your home may not be providing as much security for you as you think. When you suspect this it’s never a bad idea to have a locksmith company come out and take a look at the locks at your residence. Many times, your local locksmith may even provide this service for free.

You Don’t Have a Home Surveillance System

It was just mentioned that thieves do not like to be seen because it greatly increases their chances of being caught. That is the main reason why people like to install surveillance systems in their homes. These strategically placed cameras do a great job of recording anyone that tries to break into your home. That’s because the videos that they take can be used to identify and capture someone that has entered your home illegally. Just the mere presence of a video surveillance system is often enough to deter would-be thieves from trying to break into your home.

You Have Not Changed Your Master Keys in a While

Master keys have a strange habit of winding up in too many people’s hands. At one time or another, you may have given them to your lawn boy, dog sitter or baby sitter among others. This means there is always a chance that someone with bad intentions could have duplicated your master keys and now has the ability to easily enter your home without your permission. A large number of home thefts happen this way every single year. Getting your keys re-mastered on a regular basis and practicing better key control will help improve your home’s security.

You Have No Secondary Locks Providing Extra Security for Your Entryway Doors

In most cases having two of something is better than having just one. That’s exactly the case when it comes to entryway door locks. It’s the reason why so many people have a second lock on their entryway doors to help increase their home security. Often times this additional lock is a sturdy and hard to pick deadbolt lock. They offer just about the best protection you can get for your exterior doors. So, if you don’t have at least two locks on your entryway doors you should seriously think about getting them.

The Locks on Your Windows Are Those That Came Preinstalled from the Factory

Most homeowners feel safe and secure when their homes are locked up tight. This may not, however, be the case if you have factory-installed locks protecting your windows. Often times these locks do not offer the high level of lock protection that windows need. This can leave your home very vulnerable to break-ins. If you are one of those that do have only the original manufacturers locks protecting your home’s windows then you should do something about it. Call your local locksmith and have them come install high-security window locks for you.

There Is No Active Neighborhood Watch Group

Let’s face it. No community has enough policemen to handle patrolling all of the areas under their jurisdiction on a regular basis. This definitely creates some huge concerns among the people in your community. But, over the years people have come up with unique ways in order to help police and patrol their own communities. The most popular of these ways is to form a neighborhood watch group. 

In these groups, neighbors take turns doing nightly patrols around their neighborhood to help prevent burglaries and other problems. This is usually done in a highly visible manner to let thieves know that a community is not one they want to mess with. So, consider starting a neighborhood watch group in your community if you don’t already have one.

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